Exquisite Hunger by Emma E. Murray

Exquisite Hunger by Emma E. Murray

Exquisite Hunger is the debut chapbook by Emma E. Murray, featuring cover art and illustrations by author and artist Caitlin Marceau.

For fans of New French Extremity film, Nekromantik, and Angst, Exquisite Hunger tells the story of a woman caught between desire and repulsion.

When an unnamed narrator encounters her perfectly beautiful neighbor Carly, she gives in to her worst impulses, culminating in an unforgettable conclusion.

A sapphic culinary masterpiece with a cannibalistic twist, Exquisite Hunger is not to be missed.

Professionally printed on glossy paper and bound by saddle stitch.

Emma E. Murray writes dark and disturbing stories. You can find her work in anthologies like What One Wouldn’t Do (edited Scott J. Moses), Obsolescence (from Shortwave Books), Bitter Apples (from Cursed Morsels Press) and Ooze: Little Bursts of Body Horror (edited by Ruth Anna Evans) as well as magazines such as Pyre and If There’s Anyone Left. She is represented by Clara Chuiton at Olswanger Literary. To read more, you can visit her website EmmaEMurray.com or follow her on Twitter @EMurrayAuthor.